31st January 2020 was a meaningless date, because the UK remains bound to the EU until the transition period ends on 31st December 2020. So Brexiteers can feel happy until reality strikes brutally commencing 1st January 2021, at which point the UK economy will take a very sharp and irreversible hit with Sterling settling around at around the $1.10 point, many imports becoming unaffordable, and significant delays hitting ports of entry. This self-imposed catastrophe will, of course, be blamed on the EU because the ignorant under-educated people who voted for Brexit have not even the simplest grasp of reality.
Historians will regard Brexit as merely another symptom of the tsunami of mindless populism that has swept the globe and gifted us Trump, Babis, Orban, Bolsonaro, Modi, Putin, Erdogan, Duterte, and so many other blustering incompetents. For the UK it’s a wonderful gateway to the loss of around 2.5 million jobs (those lost because of Brexit, and those that will never be created because of Brexit). It has already ushered in a rise in hate crimes and an increase in racism, which are both of course wonderful boons for society.
Basically Brexit was the result of Cameron’s spineless inability to stand up to the tub-thumping morons in his own Party; the UK will now tear itself apart and tens of millions will suffer. It’s all a sad business, and it’s all thanks to the wonderful idea that ordinary people who know nothing and understand nothing should be permitted to decide matters of national importance.