A very cogent article, Adam, and admirably free of the bile I feel rising in my gorge whenever I think about the millions of lives Brexit has ruined forever, the massive economic harm that will largely be born by people ill-equipped to bear it, and the grotesque stupidity of the entire enterprise.
Brexit was predicated on one simple fact: that a great many people are too ignorant and foolish to have the slightest clue about anything other than reality TV show and sports. Why we let such people vote, least of all on matters of any importance, is the most important question we need to ask in the years ahead, as we stumble and waddle toward the inevitable end of our civilization and tyranny reasserts itself - in a thoroughly democratic way, of course.
In the meantime, anyone with any ability to do so will leave this squalid backward-looking dreary little country and leave it to its self-imposed and entirely unnecessary suffering.