Actually, using rotation to simulate gravity won't work as a general solution to the problem of weighlessness. I wrote an article here on Medium ages ago explaining the several reason why this only works in sci-fi and why it was tried and abandoned by NASA among others. It's easy to see why rotation won't work - imagine throwing an object in a direction other than the direction of rotation. Now translate that problem to the human ear, which gives us our sense of balance. The result: nausea whenever a person moves in a direction other than the direction of rotation. Artificial gravity is lovely in sci-fi because it removes real-world problems. But in real life, problems aren't so tractable. And let's not even talk about the dangers of solar radiation..... Fact is, people shouldn't go into space. Robotic missions can do infinitely more for infinitely less money. Real science is robotic, not Star Trek fanboy cowboys-in-space nonsense.