Although it can be amusing to construct sci-fi stories, it is considered important to be able to draw the line between nonsense entertainments and real-world possibilities. Unfortunately, Musk's ludicrous babbling has induced a legion of fanboys to parrot his inane fairytales without ever once bothering to consider pertinent real-world facts.
We humans are never, ever, going to "colonize the stars" for the very simple reasons that (i) even getting to the nearest star would take thousands of years, (ii) there's zero reason to go there, and (iii) we are adapted for life here on Earth and not for attempting to survive in zero-survivability environments elsewhere.
Musk, in all his madness, may dream of establishing a personal billionaire's panic room on Mars but the reality is that aside from one or two brief and pointless missions (robots can do everything so much better, more cheaply, and without risk of human life) we will remain here on Earth until we accidentally exterminate ourselves through our persistent folly.
As such, we need not trouble ourselves by thinking that sci-fi nonsense has any bearing on real-world prospects.