Although I've never heard of Neil Shenvi, based on the "arguments" he apparently propounds, he appears to be very far from "smart." Indeed, one could say "blinkered, obtuse, and ignorant" were far better descriptions.
"Everyone seeks truth." No, they don't. First of all, we have a large abstraction that remains conveniently undefined. Secondly, the proposition is false - just ask Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Thirdly, as creatures attempting to navigate our environment it's natural that we'd evolve mechanisms for good-enough navigation, one of which is attempting to represent adequately enough inside our brains the external world so as to avoid dying before we can mate and thereby pass on our genes.
This is all really very elementary, and if Shenvi is so hopelessly ignorant and simple-minded as to know not even the basics, it cannot be recommended that anyone waste moments of precious life reading his tiresome drivel.