An amusing article, although it repeats a lot of the errors of perception the Brits themselves are guilty of. The NHS isn't free - it's paid for out of tax revenues and much of the money is wasted. But that's better than giving billions to intermediaries like US insurance companies. And the quality of care in the NHS is awful - only the Brits are too ignorant to realize it (even the UK's own Nuffield Trust points out that the NHS scores well below EU averages on nearly every measure). As for politeness, the Brits have a fear of embarrassment which makes them endlessly apologetic but also apathetic - things have always been broken so why make a fuss by complaining because nothing will ever change anyway? But you are right in that the last decade or so has seen the Brits becomes more insular, more backward, and more xenophobic thanks to populist/nationalist rubbish like Brexit. So it's going to be a nasty little island henceforth.