An excellent article, which the brain-is-just-a-computer junkies will ignore entirely. Aside from the problems so ably elucidated in this article, there's another enormous problem the upload fans ignore: we humans are animals. We rely entirely on our physical bodies for our sense of self. Amputees suffer terribly from phantom limb syndrome, and people who experience prolonged sensory deprivation describe its horrors. So just imagine how much of a hell it would be if ever it were possible to create a connectome that genuinely did in some way replicate a human brain and thereby create the illusion of (semi) consciousness we experience. Now, the one downside of having a realistic appreciation of how absurd is the whole "upload your brain" nonsense is the fact that we can't go off and raise $10 trillion from gullible venture capitalists to start the BrainUP Company Inc. and pay ourselves gloriously fat salaries and sell some of our founders' shares to equally gullible accredited angels. So perhaps there's something in this upload-your-brain thing after all...