As is often the case in your writing, you’ve touched on something important here. I’ve similarly struggled in the past with the problem of how to convey non-standard feelings and situations. For me there are two issues. The primary one is how to find the right words that evoke the desired ideas and feelings and responses; the second (and less important) is to attempt to convey to a reader who’s never contemplated or experienced such a situation the inherent richness of the event. The way I sought to do this was to distance myself from the “action” and consciously write as though creating a work of fiction, using the tricks of the trade not to deceive but rather to reveal. By creating a conceptual space between my own experiences (feelings, events, etc.) and the chronicling of them, by using art and artifice in a very purposeful manner, I sometimes got quite close to what I hoped to convey. In other words, the writer’s journey wasn’t the same as the life journey of the person living the event. They were related, but distinct.