Brexit wasn't a decision about trade - that was the pretense the Brexiteers invented post-facto to disguise the fact that Brexit was always about xenophobia and Little Englander mentality. The USA is not going to enter a trade deal with the UK within the next decade - the debacle over Northern Ireland upsets both Dems and Reps and so there is precisely zero chance of the UK trading preferentially with the USA. In fact, some UK trade with the USA has vanished because the UK is no longer in the EU. As for the other joke deals announced with much fanfare, even the government's own Treasury admits they will make essentially no difference and certainly not compensate for the huge loss resulting from leaving the EU.
Brexiteers flushed the nation down the Brexit toilet in exchange for two meaningless soundbites. It's hardly surprising that the real-world consequences of the single most stupid thing the Brits have ever done should be so dire - and will get much, much worse in the coming years. Covid has allowed the Tories to pretend the impacts of Brexit have "really" been due to the pandemic, but eventually that excuse will grow threadbare. Brexiteers, however, now say that they "knew" it would always cause a recession and mass unemployment but this is an excellent price to pay for "sovereignty."
In other words, Brexit was stupid people voting for stupid behavior. What else do we expect from democracy?