Continuing in the grand tradition of being totally abjectly stupid, Western "leaders" not only are failing totally to prevent Russia from remaining an existential crisis for Europe but are also asleep at the wheel regarding Poland's trajectory relative to the many supine complacent countries in Europe. Today, Poland's government is a staunch defender of freedom; tomorrow, as populism once again delivers right-wing morons into power, Poland will be Europe's most heavily-armed and capable military power. A far-right Poland will find feeble nations like Germany very easy to push around. The obvious action is for all European nations to ramp up their military capabilities, not in 20 or 50 years but right now. What will actually happen is more of the same. So in a few years Russia will be poised to take the Baltic nations and Poland will be using its might to get what it wants from the EU. All of this is thanks to the ineradicable uselessness of our "leaders."