Cristobal Colombo Goes To Mars

How to respond to killjoys and Mars-haters who don’t see how important it is for humanity to colonize the galaxy

Allan Milne Lees
5 min readMar 29, 2021
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When it comes to the topic of humans whizzing into space just like we’ve all seen a million times in Sci-Fi movies and innumerable TV series, really clever people always compare going to Mars and elsewhere in the solar system to Columbus voyaging to the Americas. Really clever people know that going to Mars is pretty much identical to climbing aboard a wooden ship and sailing across the ocean. Because, hey, it says in Star Trek that humans are natural explorers with a desire to see what’s out there, right? To boldly go, and all that.

It is a teensie bit awkward when all of history and anthropology and archeology shows that throughout human history more than 99% of people have been born, lived, and died within a 5 kilometer radius, but that just goes to prove that deep down we’re all explorers really, at least in our minds and on TV.

But the key thing is that going to Mars is exactly the same as setting sail for America. It’s about adventure, exploration, and boldly going.

It really doesn’t matter that space is not 100% the same as sailing across an ocean. Sure, there’s no atmosphere in space, so without all those complex…



Allan Milne Lees

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