Every time someone brings up magicdrive (sorry, Alcubierre drives....sigh....) they neglect the basic problems. One: the energy costs. Far, far more than "all the energy used on Earth." Latest calculations show the drive would require at least the mass of the sun, assuming 99% conversion efficiency (which is actually impossible, so add a few more solar masses to allow for loss). Now we have a huge problem, because the "warp bubble" will need to be large enough to accommodate those masses, which will mean we need more energy to create the bubble, which means more masses... and so on in an unresolvable escalation.
But that's the easy part. Here's the hard part: in order to avoid the ship and its crew from being torn apart, the bubble must be causally disconnected from those inside - which means there's no way to stop it, steer it, or deflate it. Whoever is inside is trapped forever. Not really such a great "solution" to the FTL problem.
In short, Hogwarts Drive will never, ever, exist because basic physics prevents it.