Evolutionary psychology is usually an excellent predictor of human behavior and no less so when everyone is terrified out of their (not overly-abundant) wits by a sensationalist mass media. As politicians flail wildly in an attempt to look as if they are “doing something” to “save lives” and thereby amplify the problem, it’s clear we’re in for a very dark period in human history. “Social distancing” encourages us to view others as threats to our own existence. Empty shelves serve to convince us that scarcity is already here. In Europe, fortunately, access to deadly weapons isn’t easy and so there won’t be the horrors that the USA will soon experience. But in all places the results of an uncontrolled sensationalist media and political incoherence will be far more dire than the effects of c-19 itself. The fact that most people will be too busy conforming to (and reinforcing) group norms merely makes this a certainty.