Given the NYT's propensity to run stories by journalists noted for their pro-Russian stance, we need to take anything in that particular "news" paper with a very large spoonful of NaCl. That said, the general points made are somewhat accurate but also largely irrelevant because the real story is "why is the West asleep at the wheel and letting a tinpot dictator and his thuggish military bring war to the EU's doorstep?" It seems our "news" organizations aren't interested in context but only mindless empty sensationalism because that grabs monetizable eyeballs.
As for the Russian weapons systems cited (T-14 and Su57) the reason they don't appear in Russia's invasion of Ukraine is because there are very few of them - only two Su57s are known to exist in airworthy form at present, while total functional T-14 numbers are estimated at fewer than ten. It's like asking why Russia hasn't sent more aircraft carriers into the North Sea. Turns out, quantity always matters - something European NATO members forgot a long time ago, which is why NATO minus the USA is now just a sad empty joke.