Going Further With Political Correctness

When dogma is at stake, half-hearted measures are not enough

Allan Milne Lees
6 min readNov 7, 2023
Red Guards encouraging Mao TzeDong Thought during China’s Cultural Revolution

Anyone who’s watched the Netflix series Sex Education will know that like a great many of its contemporary entertainments it is primarily a tick-the-diversity-box exercise and only secondarily a light comedy about teens discovering themselves. In the Politically Correct world of Sex Education an astonishing number of teens are transexual, bisexual, homosexual, obese, and/or representative of an ethnic minority far exceeding their real-world presence in British s schools. For those of a Politically Correct disposition this is a cause for celebration; evidently adequate representation can only be achieved by over-representation.

A great many British entertainments have gone down this path in recent years. Doctor Who became a byword not for well-intentioned Timelords and scary adversaries but for a similar tick-the-diversity-box mentality. If I watched more entertainments I’d doubtless be able to list more examples, but for the purposes of this article the two mentioned above will suffice.

To be clear: I do think that it’s useful for the entertainments ordinary people spend so much of their life consuming to represent society as a whole. It’s healthy for us to be exposed to different lifestyles and different approaches to…



Allan Milne Lees

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