Heads You Win, Tails I Lose

Why NATO will be irrelevant no matter what the outcome in Ukraine

Allan Milne Lees
5 min readMar 16, 2022
Image credit: NATO

One of the more striking aspects of Putin’s decision to invade Russia’s peaceful neighbor Ukraine is the unanimity of narrative across the various governments of the Western nations.

According to the standard Western narrative, carefully reinforced by supposed “experts” and politicians alike, by standing back and doing nothing NATO is carefully avoiding potential escalation toward all-out war with Russia.

To an unbiased observer, of course, this is absolute nonsense. Weakness in the face of aggression always begets further aggression. But the key point, from a political perspective, is the beauty of the narrative. If Russia fails to crush Ukraine entirely and thereafter install a puppet regime, the West can pretend that masterful inaction led to the “peaceful” outcome. Conversely, if Russia does persist and reduces Ukraine to a smoldering ruin, the West can pretend that no other outcome was possible and that NATO involvement would merely have increased the number of casualties and increased the risk of an all-out war.

In other words, the narrative ensures that Western politicians will pay no meaningful price for cowardly inaction in the face of persistent aggression.



Allan Milne Lees

Anyone who enjoys my articles here on Medium may be interested in my books Why Democracy Failed and The Praying Ape, both available from Amazon.