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Human Resources Management: Final Exam
Pass the test and become a certifiable HR manager
This test paper is Multiple Choice.
Multiple Choice means you must select from ONE of the following answers. You MUST NOT select multiple answers. That’s NOT what Multiple Choice means.
You can use the crayon provided to mark the box next to the answer you select.
Do NOT eat the crayon.
You have until the big hand and the little hand are both pointing up like fingers indicating the pretty sky.
You can begin now.
I mean, you can begin the test. Not begin crying.
QUESTION ONE: A junior employee reports being sexually harassed by another junior employee. Do you:
a) Document the allegation
b) Meet with the very attractive accused employee to verify their denial
c) Post pictures of your cat on Instagram and Facebook
QUESTION TWO: A junior employee reports being sexually harassed by a senior executive. Do you:
a) Fire the junior employee immediately
b) Fire the junior employee after searching their email history for anything that can be used to discredit them