I lived in the USA for nearly 30 years and what I realized was that every dysfunctional element of US life is intertwined with every other dysfunctional element, like a ball of yarn so tangled you can't pull any individual strand free. This inter-connection means that reform in any area is impossible, and it's even more impossible to imagine trying to reform the entire tangle because there are so many vested interests devoted to keeping things just as they are. The USA is in fact unsaveable and acts as a case-study for other OECD nations. Let's consider life in the USA and what has unconsciously been normalized: everyone is fat or obese, that's normal (hey there buddy, no body-shaming!); gun violence is literally insance, that's normal; you can't really walk anywhere in most towns, that's normal; entertainment is toxic sludge that induces anxiety and models a wide range of highly dysfunctional behaviors, that's normal; healthcare is broken and hideously expensive, that's normal; religiosity makes it easy for cynics and blowhards to garner tens of millions of votes, that's normal; education is so abysman that the average US High School graduate is more than 2 years behind their European counterparts, that's normal; political corruption is endemic, that's normal; 90% of all "food" sold in the USA is toxic slop that no human should ever consume, that's normal. And all these normal things are self-reinforcing. Bye bye, USA. It will be interesting to see an entire nation, formerly the wealthiest place on Earth, spiral down the toilet-bowl of history.