I'm always fascinated by the way the far-right and the far-left end up looking nearly identical except for one thing: the right generally remains focused on crushing its enemies whereas the left very often focused on eating its own for tiny deviations from whatever happens to be the dogma of the day.
In the case of words, both far-right and far-left agree on the desirability of censorship, either je facto or de jure. Wokist warriors began this process by pretending that certain words were off-limits to certain groups of people. For example, while it is apparently OK for people with dark-hued skins to use what is now (in a classic examples of the censorship I'm talking about) only referred to as "the N word" but pale-skinned people must never, ever, utter or write it because if they do then they are racist. This is nothing less than verbal apartheid, and is merely one of dozens of examples in a list which seems to grow larger with every passing week. This censorship is done under the pretense of making it "safe" for people but in reality it's just the same old thought control that Orwell wrote about it so many decades ago. The right is now adopting the same approach - and will likely be more effective in the long run - so we're now moving rapidly toward Fahrenheit 451 territory and both sides will cheer their respective blows against intellectual and social freedom. This is always how tyranny achieves success: ordinary foolish people cheering on every new restriction, every new stupidity.