Inviting Nuclear War

How we continue to increase the risk of Russian escalation

Allan Milne Lees
7 min readApr 26, 2022
Russian RT-2PM2 Topol-M. Image credit: Wikipedia

Most parents fail to grasp the basic dynamic of the parent-child relationship. Consequently, most toddlers quickly learn to exploit their parents’ ineptitude, especially in public, in order to get what they want. Attention, sweets, and other rewards are reliably delivered to the screaming angry child and so most parents accidentally train their children to be unruly; thereafter these parents buy a temporary semblance of order by means of continual surrender to their child’s impetuous demands.

Not surprisingly, those who fail to become adequate parents also fail to become adequate adults. After a lifetime of appeasement — usually beginning with handing over lunch money to the schoolyard bully and thereafter advancing to the appeasement of aggressive colleagues in the workplace — the habit is so deeply ingrained that a toxic combination of clueless denial and rapid surrender is the only strategy most people have available.

We can’t be surprised, therefore, that the West has responded to Putin’s military tantrums by endless appeasement. Empty windy statements by feeble Western politicians have encouraged Putin every step of the way. When Russia massed its forces on the borders of Ukraine, Biden explicitly stated that the USA would not oppose the forthcoming…



Allan Milne Lees

Anyone who enjoys my articles here on Medium may be interested in my books Why Democracy Failed and The Praying Ape, both available from Amazon.