It is generally folly to look on an existential event and frame it in a context that no longer applies. It is clear that if Europe is to stand even a slender chance of enjoying the same kind of peace and prosperity that it's enjoyed over the last 75 years, Russia as a single nation can no longer be permitted to exist. Unless the West aids Ukraine in more than the current milquetoast fashion, the worst-possible outcome will arise: a "negotiated peace" resulting from pathetically inadequate Western aid that leaves Russia in possession of occupied territories and provides the time necessary for Putin to rebuild and re-arm in preparation for (i) a further invasion of Ukraine, and (ii) an invasion of the Baltic nations.
Were we less stupid, we would understand that the only acceptable outcome of the current conflict is the total destruction of Russia's military, leading to the break-up of Russia itself and the emergence of several smaller states, each ruled by a thuggish warlord focused on asset-stripping as much as possible in order to enrich himself and his immediate family. This would remove Russia from the world stage, enable Europe to remain in its state of self-indulgent complacent slumber, and signal to China that its military ambitions ought to be limited.
Unfortunately, we're extremely stupid and so the worst-possible outcome is also the most probable.