It would be delightful to imagine the USA has any residual capacity for prosecuting Trump; the evidence, however, clearly points in the opposite direction. He's been acquitted twice of treason thanks to the support of the US Republican Party, which is to all intents and purposes now nothing other than a neo-fascist organization. The US public is too feeble-minded and too preoccupied with whatever happens to be the current must-watch streaming entertainment to care what happens. And the Democratic Party is, as always, far more focused on tearing itself apart over miniscule differences in the inanities of Political Correctness dogma to be capable of mounting any resistance. So,, barring serious physical illness, Trump will return to the White House in 2025. But he's just a sideshow clown, an irrelevancy aside from the fact he showed with 100% clarity that there is precisely nothing standing between an ambitious and ruthless individual and absolute power. Ron DeSantis has understood this lesson very well; hence his desire to create a militia personally loyal to him, and to create "voting police" to ensure that "the right people" are always elected. Trump, being an infantile spineless moron, never had a plan. DeSantis has a plan and, like Hitler before him, sees there is nothing standing in his way to prevent him from carrying it out in due time.