It's easy to get swept away by media-generated hype, but let's look at the reality. Russia has prevented Ukraine from defeating its rag-tag rabble-in-uniform because of the Appeaser-in-Chief Biden succumbing to Kremlin disinformation, and will defeat Ukraine thanks to the vermin Trump who's been a Kremlin asset for years. Brexit crippled the UK, taking it off the board. Europe is thoroughly compromized by various Russian tactics and incapable of defending even a fish & chip shop. Kremlin cyber campaigns and propaganda helped Trump in 2016 and again this year, resulting in the USA being totally neutered. Meanwhile, it seems that Russia is negotiating the continued use of bases in Syria - bases the USA could have destroyed in recent days but, thanks to Biden's endless appeasement, failed to destroy. All in all, Syria may be a setback for Putin but compared to his major victories, it's a very minor thing indeed.