It's interesting to note that similar books were written about Germany in the 1930s. Not surprisingly, the USA is finished - as are other countries lingering not too far behind. Today we have the one thing Goebbels would have adored: the Internet. As all platforms need money to operate, and as mindless sensationalism grabs the most eyeballs the most reliably, it's hardly surprising that every major player has an interest in promoting ever-more sensationalism in order for top executives to take home fat quarterly bonuses. As a result, toxic drivel is spewed into the heads of ordinary people who are always too ignorant and too simple-minded to realize that they are being used as garbage pails. Ordinary people know nothing and understand even less, which is why it is so easy to manipulate them. In reality, the GoP doesn't depend on "fifty million morons" but rather nearly seventy-four million morons who voted for Trump last time and will eagerly vote for him in 2024, thus putting him back in the White House in 2025 - unless the infantile obese lard-bucket has a coronary or massive stroke before then.
I suspect, however, that the real dictator (still called President, of course...) will be DeSantis or someone very like him. Trump is too stupid, infantile, and incompetent to do more than smash things like a spoiled toddler having a temper-tantrum. Faced with any real challenge, he always runs away and hides. DeSantis, however, is preparing his ground carefully - even to the extent of creating a private militia in Florida. We have been here before and it does not end well.