It's long past time that we accepted the hard fact that a great many people are unfortunately too ignorant and simple-minded to be able to avoid being duped by cynical "leaders" and indoctrinated by harmful fairytales. The very notion that the tribal myths of a handful of illiterate and innumerate goat herders who knew nothing and understood nothing, more than 3,000 years ago, should act as any sort of teaching for anyone at all is not only naive but actively dangerous. Simple people need far better stories to guide them, as they'll never have the intellectual capacity to work things out for themselves. We need to recognize that permitting toxic nonsense to be transmitted down the generations is the road to enormous harm. But with more adequate and helpful tales, simple ignorant people can be steered in less destructive directions. And those who would gain from duping them can be prevented from doing so. Sadly there's precisely no sign whatsoever that any nation anywhere has realized this, so we'll continue to see empty-heads being poisoned by repellent mythologies. We're not many years past the burning of witches and it won't take much to carry us back there once again. We're already 85% of the way there.