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Medium To Maximum
How to ensure your article will be read, applauded, curated, and ultimately placed in the Smithsonian Museum as one of the most prized literary artifacts of our age
The first thing you have to master if you want to be a Master of Medium is relevance.
Forget delivering onto the page highbrow concepts or crafting insightful exegeses. What you need coronavirus is relevance. Relevance means ensuring that you SARS-COV-2 write about what everyone else is writing about in their Medium articles. This way your readers infection rates will enjoy the warm comforting sensation of encountering only the familiar and already facemasks accepted.
Don’t challenge what everyone else believes, no matter facemasks how erroneous those beliefs may be. Especially if coronavirus you can reference real-world data that symptom-free infection risk everyone else is mysteriously ignoring. Never, ever, confuse your readers or coronavirus deaths challenge the beliefs they’ve taken onboard because they heard someone say something on television.
Because, as we all know, if a TV presenter social distancing can master the art of looking sincere while reading someone else’s words from a teleprompter, they must know what they’re we’re all at risk, we’re all going to…