Member-only story
More Of Ms Austen’s Thoughts Regarding The Conduction Of Motorized Vehicles
Our present unfortunate circumstance, and how it one day may be ameliorated
Gentle reader, it is my very sad duty to inform you here at the very outset of our shared journey that all is not well upon the highways and byways of the world’s hard surfaces. This brief article will elucidate the problems faced by any driver wishing to remain in a condition of relative physical and mental health as they attempt to traverse distances greater than a handful of meters while surrounded by others of a less thoughtful disposition.
It seems, for reasons entirely beyond the grasp of your author, that a great many motorists (for such is the modern term, as I am reliably informed by acquaintances who are more au fait with modern parlance than am I myself) possess not the brain that evolution has seen fit to gift to mammals and even to some Avians such as those of the class known as Corvids but instead are in possession not of a neuronal fortune but instead of neuronal impoverishment. A great many drivers — too many, in the opinion of this genteel spinster — have what may be regarded in all accuracy as the brain normally bestowed upon the common housefly.
Now, lest any reader imagine that I seek to impugn the workings of evolution…