Obviously only morons voted for Brexit, and obviously only morons voted for Trump. And therein lies the real problem: representative democracy. As most ordinary people are completely ignorant of even the most basic facts about reality, and as most ordinary people are also quite dim-witted, it logically follows that success in a system of representative democracy entails giving empty-headed people empty-headed soundbites they can happily chant forever. That's how Trump succeeded with MAGA and why the morons of Britain flushed the nation down the toilet in return for two mindless soundbites. The hard truth is that reality is too complex for ordinary people to grasp in even the most rudimentary ways and therefore politicians must always appeal to the lowest common denominator. This in turn discourages anyone with even a fractional brain from entering politics. Thus we end up with charlatans and incompetents elected by ignorant dullards.
It's a great system if you're too indolent to be bothered trying to organize a military coup; otherwise it has nothing to recommend it to anyone.