One important point worth making is that while evidence points to it being healthy to consume meat products, this is largely true when those products come from animals that have lived a somewhat normal existence prior to slaughter. In the USA, however, this is very rarely true. As a result, the balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids is often so skewed as to promote inflammation, especially when consuming beef products.
We humans are obligate omnivores and this article correctly points out the dangers of following any silly fad diet or imagining that any currently trendy product is "the answer" to whatever one's media-driven hobby-horse happens to be today. Instead, we should be thinking carefully about how what we eat is grown and raised. Better to eat 100g of healthy red meat from a cow that actually got its nutrients from grazing rather than eating something that grew up swollen from a diet of corn (which cows aren't adapted to digest properly) while being stuffed full of antibiotics. The Dutch are pioneering farms where antibiotics aren't used, and it turns out that the meat is tastier and the total cost of production is actually slightly less than the inhumane (and metabolically harmful) US factor-farm approach that is nearly ubiquitous in the USA and, sadly, elsewhere.
Moreover, most US citizens don't need anywhere near the levels of protein they consume; instead, many have deficiency diseases resulting from a truly atrocious diet focused mainly around processed so-called "convenience" foods crammed with fats, salts, and sugars.
So we should ignore people like Gates and the fake food boosters and instead begin to think about the food systems we want to encourage. Tech fanboys always think a magical solution is available provided enough VC money flows into it, but often a far better solution is already available- we just need to find ways to encourage its development. Eat less meat, but of a far higher quality because the animals are raised naturally. This will reduce the already-modest greenhouse gas contribution, massively improve human health, and stop animals suffering in their millions as they're crammed into vast concrete bunkers, hoof-deep in shit, and eating only corn, soybeans, and similar government-subsidized inputs that no cow anywhere is evolved to digest properly.