One of the many failures of Western history is that we ignore the role that delusions of empire played in the inevitability of World War II. Germany, Italy, and Japan all yearned for the Great Power status held back then by the British and French as a result of their extensive colonies, and saw war as the only way for them to put on their own Big Boy Pants. Putin has imbibed the same babbling nonsense and, just like Hitler and Mussollini before him, has pushed Russia down a path that will lead to its eventual destruction - but before that happens, a great many million lives will be shattered forever, largely because once again we in the West are too stupid, indolent, ignorant, and fearful to do what needs to be done. Morons like Macron babble endlessly about appeasement while Ukrainians die at the hands of Russian rabble and NATO always sends too little, too late. We ought to be lynching our supposed "leaders" and replacing them with fractionally less inadequate substitutes.