One of the many glories of representative democracy is that no qualification is required to stand for office, and no qualification is required to vote for candidates. Most people voted for Fat Boris because he was regarded as "a bit of a laugh" which, hey, is good enough for me! The horrible truth is that voters have memories that can be measured in milliseconds, and as the latest incumbent of 10 Downing Street flounders amid her toxic mix of economic incompetence, anti-European babble, and sheer unpleasantness, Fat Boris will be out cavorting for the cameras and reminding all the simpletons who voted for Brexit that he's still "a bit of a laugh." And as the leader of the Conservative Party is chosen by 140,000 old, ignorant, bigoted dullards for whom fox hunting, hating France, and thrashing one's servants, are the most important topics of any era it is easy to see Fat Boris being reinstated the moment Truss' uneasy grip on the greasy pole begins to falter.
Failure is rarely an impediment in politics, and these days incompetence is actually an asset. All that matters is the ability to grab attention by all means available and proffer a few mindless soundbites to the empty-headed mob. Fat Boris is very good at these two things (in fact, it's all he's good at) and so we should not count him out as a possible repeat offender.