Poland understands the Russian threat and also understands how empty Article 5 of the NATO treaty really is - as do the Baltic nations. All that is required in Article 5 is that signatory nations "provide assistance" to any NATO member that comes under attack. As "providing assistance" can mean anything and nothing - Germany sends a few helmets and first-aid kits - the only thing that counts is serious weapons systems. This is why Poland has ordered 1,000 MBTs and 1,000 IFVs, along with plenty of artillery pieces. Nuclear weapons are the logical, if highly dangerous, next step because NATO has shown that Western "leaders" will always vacillate and prevaricate in the face of existential threat, and do nothing of value until it's far too late. Today, much of Ukraine lies in rubble and thousands of Ukrainian lives have been lost. All this could have been prevented but the West was too spineless and stupid to act, and even now our "support" of Ukraine is far too little, far too late. Hence Poland is totally correct in seeking to gain its own capacity to deploy nuclear warheads because nothing else will ultimately work against a mindless little thug like Putin and whoever happens to follow him after he accidentally falls out of a window after shooting himself three times in the head.