Putin has benefited greatly from the spineless Biden administration's total failure to respond effectively to Russian aggression. Putin is fully aware that once the creature Trump waddles back into the White House on 20th January 2025 the USA will stop what pathetically inadequate trickle of always-too-little, always-far-too-late aid Biden's shamefully cowardly team provided and thus Putin will be able to conclude his conquest. At that point, the West will abandon sanctions within a matter of weeks (if not days....) and the Russian economy can slowly claw its way back out of the pit. It's a shameful outcome entirely the consequence of our own endless cowardice, complacency, and self-absorbtion. No wonder Xi feels totally free to invade Taiwan in 2027 - he knows the Western response will be even more flaccid than our non-response to Russian imperial aggression and endless low-intensity war against every aspect of our world.