Russian trolling is gradually becoming fractionally more sophisticated. This is a good example of the breed. Digging up old history and presenting it in an extremely slanted manner may dupe a few people who aren't well-informed and who aren't very thoughtful. But this game is in fact quite tedious. Do we say that Russia has every right to invade the UK because of British behavior during the colonial period? Do we say that China has every right to invade the USA because of Vietnam? The fact is, every nation has made mistakes, and every nation has characters in its history who are at best morally dubious. The argument that some Ukrainian partisans did bad things a century ago and thus Putin is entitled to exterminate Ukraine is merely another version of the usual tedious Russian propaganda blitz.
In reality, Russia is now a fascist nation and Ukrainians want nothing more than to be part of the West. Silly Russian troll factories pumping out inane babble for mindless gullible people won't change the reality on the ground.