Sadly, although the media and naive people love the hype around EVs, the reality is rather less exciting. As Volvo revealed, an EV never actually breaks even in terms of being cleaner than ICVs unless 100% of the electrity used to power it comes from renewables - at which point, at around the 40,000km mark, the EV breaks even. But as the battery packs have a 5-year life, and as lithium is extremely polluting to mine and smelt and as it can't yet be recycled, the 10-year profile of an EV is barely better than that of a conventional ICV.
Humans generally are very poor at making good decisions and most of the EV hype is a consequence of people not understanding the true lifecycle costs of EVs. As most are powered by hydrocarbons being burned in power stations, they are actually more polluting across the total lifecycle than conventionally-powered vehicles. One day, when we have 90% renewable energy sources, EVs will make sense. Until then, they're merely upper-middle-class hypemobiles designed to make yuppies feel virtuous but in reality are a net negative where the health of the planet is concerned.