Thankfully, with Brexit Backwards Britain, the solution is obvious (at least to the Tory Party): stop teaching loathsome foreign babble like French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese. Focus instead on a really useful language: Latin.
Remember, with Latin there's no arguing over how to pronounce words because all the speakers of Latin have been dead for 1,500 years! There's no having to catch up on contemporary slang for exactly the same reason. And there's no possibility of nasty foreign Latin speakers coming to the UK and opening shops, performing essential jobs, and generally doing all the things the Brits are too fat, ignorant, and indolent to do.
Hence Latin is the obvious solution to monoglot Brit backwardness, fits perfectly with Brexit, and is guaranteed.
Guaranteed to be part of the glorious backwards Brexit catastrophe for which the Brits overwhelmingly voted, not once, but twice.
Semper retro Britanniam!