The Apocalypse Chronicles

Allan Milne Lees
11 min readApr 14, 2020

How the end of the world reveals what stuff we’re really made of

Image credit: ScienceStruck


So this is it! All them stupid folk who laughed at us are laughing on the other side of their faces now. Well, not really. I mean, they’re not laughing, and I don’t really understand where the other side of a person’s face would be. But anyoldhow, you get what I mean. We were right and they were wrong. We were prepared, they weren’t, so we win.

When the lockdown got broadcast we knew right away what we had to do. We got this cabin up in the mountains all stocked and ready for just this very situation. All we had to do was get ourselves up there. So we took an hour or so to load up the truck, caught our breath over a snack of coffee and donuts, and then climbed in and headed out.

Well, who’d have expected a puncture? I mean, c’mon!

Turns out the spare was flat too. I told Mary it was her job to check the spare but she said it was my job. We argued over who’s fault it was for a long ol’ time but in the end we kinda agreed that it didn’t really matter who’s fault it was. We were gonna have to walk. So we pulled some of the suitcases out of the back of the truck and set off down the road.

Turns out, pulling a suitcase ain’t so easy, ‘specially when you’re holding an AR-15 in the other…



Allan Milne Lees

Anyone who enjoys my articles here on Medium may be interested in my books Why Democracy Failed and The Praying Ape, both available from Amazon.