The conclusion is highly erroneous. If most people are ignorant and unable to reason coherently from hard data then they are likely to accept whatever nonsense they are fed by the media and by politicians. This nonsense can have extremely pernicious effects, such as throwing 1.5 billion people out of work, suspending essential vaccinations for 140 million children in third-world countries, and suspending treatment for 50,000 cancer patients in the UK so as to "free up beds" for SARS-COV2 patients who mostly could be treated at home with O2 units. Following rules blindly is what ordinary people always do - which is how so much harm is generated in the world. Far better, I think, to seek out reliable data, analyze it dispassionately, and draw logical conclusions. Shame no one can be bothered to do it. Maybe the space squid visited a long, long time ago and stole our intellects? That would explain all of recorded human history, at least!