The fantasy that a few light-caliber weapons wielded by overweight fantasists could, under any imaginable real-world circumstances whatsoever, make any difference to imposition by government of new norms is amusing, but bears no relevance to the world in which we actually live. Most people conform automatically; worse still, "patriots" are usually the ones most eager to follow a "strong leader" and impose the tyranny of which they imagine themselves to be staunch opponents.
We see this today, with dull-witted Trumpies the first in line to trash democracy merely because an infantile orange halfwit tells them simple-minded lies.
Furthermore, in the real world (a place gun enthusiasts seem not to visit) we know that civilized nations - e.g. those not wanting 33,000+ gunshot deaths per year - have no problem avoiding tyranny despite having strict gun control.
The pro-gun arguments are like the pro-abortion arguments: inherently lacking any rationality, internal consistency, or any relationship to real-world facts. But as the USA is a nation in which ordinary people get their "ideas" from pulp Hollywood entertainments and babbling halfwits, it's clear no form of improvement is possible, not only with the gun problem but also with the healthcare problem, the religiosity problem, the income inequality problem, the racism problem....