The interplay of hormones and mood/physiological responsiveness is very complex, especially when it comes to the so-called "sex hormones." Reactions vary wildly from person to person and mental disposition plays a role as well. Some women report greater sexual arousal and satisfaction when taking hormonal contraception because they no longer fear accidental pregnancy and this liberates their desire. Others report decreased interest in sex due to the biochemical process you describe in your article. The endocrinologist Thierry Hertoghe has studied this topic for decades and has found that in many cases an increase in blood testosterone can significantly boost a woman's desire, arousal, and ability to reach orgasm regardless of whether or not she is taking oral contraception. So it may be possible to retain the benefits of oral contraception without incurring the potential downside, though this will depend on individual circumstances and preferences. In short, there's no easy answer and it definitely is an area that deserves a great deal more study than it presently receives.