The Italian press coverage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine indicates just how successful the Kremlin has been with regard to infiltrating all levels of Western society. From buying US politicians to suborning German journalists, from stirring up internal divisions to spoon-feeding gullible people with false narratives, the Kremlin has step-by-step undermined the West and we've sat back and let it all happen. The West has consistently failed to grasp the obvious fact that Putin's invasion isn't limited to the territory of Ukraine: the battlespace stretches across every aspect of life. Social media was famously used by Russia to promote Brexit and Trump (and is helping ensure Trump returns to the White House next year). Everywhere we look we see empty-headed ordinary people being manipulated by Russian propaganda. All those waving placards and chanting for 'peace' in Gaza are unwittingly supporting Putin's agenda. All those waving placards and chanting for 'peace' in Ukraine are doing likewise. The fact they are too ignorant and too stupid to realize this is irrelevant. Russia has often been good at using 'useful idiots' to its advantage and today we see that tactic everywhere we look.