
The only value of supplements is to supplement dietary deficiencies. For people who live on pizza, fried chicken, and cola a multi-vitamin with minerals plus some omega-3 tablets will to a limited degree offset the metabolic damage being inflicted by the Standard American Diet. But aside from that, it's all marketing magic with no substance. What we should be aiming for is not to "boost" anything but to ensure that our metabolism functions at the proper level by providing proper inputs. People, however, are usually not very interested in reality and much prefer specious magical pseudo-science that offers miracles in pill form. Which is why the supplement business will always be very lucrative.



Allan Milne Lees
Allan Milne Lees

Written by Allan Milne Lees

Anyone who enjoys my articles here on Medium may be interested in my books Why Democracy Failed and The Praying Ape, both available from Amazon.

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