The Parable of Pubic Hair

Allan Milne Lees
4 min readOct 2, 2019

We humans are a group species. As such, a great many of our behaviors and thought processes are geared towards conformity. What the group thinks, we think, because for most of our evolutionary history to be outside the group meant death.

Although today we are members of several groups and our survival rarely depends on any single one, our habits of mind remain unchanged. We conform to group norms unconsciously, adopting whatever beliefs the groups we identify with happen to hold. Rarely do we question these group beliefs. In fact it’s comforting to know that we believe what those around us believe. We don’t really want to question group norms.

And thus we are very frequently led into error. We don’t need to be students of history to know that most of what people believe is usually poorly supported by real-world evidence or by solid reasoning. Yet too often we dogmatically proclaim some arbitrary group belief and proceed to cause harm in the world.

Instead of illustrating this point by reference to racial prejudice or notions of manifest destiny or the garbled pseudo-economics of Marxism I want to focus on something relatively trivial that nevertheless has potential to induce all manner of mischief. I’m choosing this example because it’s typical of how mistaken ideas are adopted by a group for political reasons and then propagated into the world beyond.

We’re going to talk about the general male preference for women who remove hair from their pubic area.

It’s trivial to find articles and blog posts by women decrying this preference. The reason it exists? Clearly the men in question must desire pre-pubescent females because only pre-pubescent girls lack pubic hair. Ergo these men are emotionally immature and most probably wannabe pedophiles.

If you shout this loudly enough for long enough, enough people will come to believe it without ever once considering how flimsy the core argument is. And so we can get even more hysteria about sexual preferences, even more women-versus-men conflict, and even more agitation about how so many men are emotionally immature.

The problem is, of course, that the argument is spurious.

If you’re a woman, ask yourself this: have you ever dated a man who shaved? Do you have a…



Allan Milne Lees

Anyone who enjoys my articles here on Medium may be interested in my books Why Democracy Failed and The Praying Ape, both available from Amazon.