The US system has always been corrupt. Mark Twain is credited with having said, well over a century ago, "America has the best government money can buy." Trump is merely the latest and most repellent symptom. That said, it is impossible to argue that there is any valid reason for voting for such an incompetent and irredeemably stupid creature. One does not have to argue in favor of Biden or any other non-Trump candidate; one merely notes that Trump is, for anyone with more than no functioning neurons, always the very last choice. As for the argument that he was elected because he was an anti-elite candidate, that's laughable. He based his appeal on his fictitious wealth and you don't get more "elite" than that in the USA, where money counts for absolutely everything. People vote for Trump because they lack the cognitive faculties to understand even the most basic aspects of reality, not because he was their protest vote against some (conveniently undefined) elite. That notion was peddled by specious journalists for a couple of years as they attempted to rationalize Trump's victory, but it was always spurious.