The USA’s Bierkeller Putsch Moment

Why 6th January merely presages the success of tomorrow’s demagogue

Allan Milne Lees
6 min readJan 7, 2021
Image credit: USA Holocaust Memorial Museum

Let’s take a look at some simple facts. An infantile orange moron became President of the USA four years ago because he decided to run for office in order to attract publicity for his failing trash TV show. By pure accident, the call-and-response moshpit of his rallies enabled him to hit on key soundbites that resonated with the low-IQ people who showed up to gawp at his antics. This in turn attracted the mass media which is always eager for sensationalist spectacle that grabs eyeballs and thereby generates revenues. Trump got 85% of the media coverage of both the Republican primaries and the general election that followed.

The mass media thus essentially guaranteed Trump’s success, because simple people always vote for the most-recognized option.

Luckily for the USA, Trump genuinely was the stupidest President in history (which is amazing when we consider how astonishingly stupid so many have been) and had no plan, no self-control, nothing but endless infantile lies and empty-headed bluster. Yet even this cretinous buffoon was able to defecate all over the US Constitution and violate every norm because of the simple fact that he had the drooling howling mob behind him and this was sufficient to ensure the US Republican…



Allan Milne Lees

Anyone who enjoys my articles here on Medium may be interested in my books Why Democracy Failed and The Praying Ape, both available from Amazon.