There is something deeply pathetic about the USA attempting to cobble together improvised air defense systems when the real answer has always been to provide Ukraine with a sufficient number of fighter jets (ideally F/A-18s, which are infinitely more robust and suitable for Ukrainian conditions that the tiny number of F-16s allies may one day send). But as always, the Biden administration continues to dither and prevaricate, leading to thousands and thousands of unnecessary Ukrainian deaths. If only Ukraine had the kind of power over US policy that Israel has enjoyed for decades, the Russian invasion would have been crushed the moment it began. Instead, the USA has consistently done far too little, far too late, failing entirely to grasp the importance of this conflict. As a result, Russia may well ultimately achieve nearly all of its objectives - which has sent the strongest possible signal not only to China (please, proceed with your invasion of Taiwan as soon as you're ready) but also to all US allies (oh dear, the USA really has checked out and is no longer a partner that can be relied on for any coherent sustained activity).