This is a genuinely funny article, a great example of faux-idiot narrative that provides outstanding satirization of what can politely be termed "the moron perspective."
Let's reposition the article: there's no reason for France and Germany to be so mean to Nazi Germany; they just want respect. Deladier and Chamberlain should have a gentleman's agreement with Hitler, basically agreeing that fighting should stop but whatever territory is presently held by German forces should remain part of Germany. That way, lives will be spared and peace assured.
Because, when you invade your peaceful neighbor and commit uncounted atrocities & war crimes, and your military is merely rabble-in-uniform, and your Great Leader is a stupid little egomaniac, respect is of course the most important factor in the entire equation.
Appeasement worked wonderfully in the 1930s, so there's absolutely no reason it wouldn't work again today. Respect, boys!