This is a perplexing article. It's unclear whether it's an intentional troll factory output intended to sow more division within society, or it's merely naive.
Here are the logical problems within the article.
Firstly, as a biological weapon, SARS-CoV2 is useless. According to WHO data, between 80% and 93% of people experience no symptoms at any time. Of the remainder, only 0.3% are at risk of mortality, and most of those deaths are caused by over-eager physicians forcing patients into induced coma and then onto ventilators. In fact, estimates in the BMJ suggest up to 80% of covid-19 deaths in the West are the result of using ventilators instead of nasal oxygen clips. Meanwhile, in less developed nations, the per capita mortality rates are far lower - perhaps because they are fortunate enough not to have many ventilators.
So as a biological weapon SARS-CoV2 is about as effective as trying to kill millions by throwing tennis balls at people.
Next, there's no way to engineer a virus that will selectively kill people only within specific geographies. Remember that we humans share 99.999% of our DNA with other humans. The concept of "race" is largely meaningless when we talk of genetics. It is beyond anyone's knowledge - even theory - to construct a selective virus. The reason Chinese mortality figures are so low is (a) because the Chinese government produces artificially low data in order to prove to its captive citizens what a great job it is doing, and (b) because the Chinese implemented stringent lockdowns that temporarily slowed the progress of the pandemic within China.
In short, just in case anyone is in any doubt, the premise of this article is scientifically illiterate, fails to note that the per capita mortality rate resulting from SARS-CoV2 is even in the worst-hit nations around 0.3% (e.g. irrelevant as a bioweapon), and therefore has no plausibility whatsoever.