This is a very nice article, summarizing much that is currently understood about solar dynamics. It’s a shame you felt the need to insert the absurdly anthropocentric “ There is a chance that we won’t have to bear witness to the end of our longtime home” early in the article. Our species has existed for less than an eye-blink of geological time. Few species persist for more than a handful of millions of years and almost all those that do are invariably simple organisms like bacteria, fungi, and archea. The longest-lived species we know of, the nautilus, has persisted for 400 million years, which is only 8% of the time a species would need to remain essentially unchanged and vibrant between now and the time our sun expands into being a red giant. In general the more complex a species the faster it disappears. In other words, it’s 99.9999999999999999999999999% certain that our species will never, ever, have to worry about events predicted to occur five billion years hence.