Thunberg exists merely because the media needs sensationalism in order to grab eyeballs. A photogenic shouty girl fills space when there isn't a convenient plane crash, mass shooting, or famine. But shouty teens proffering outrage but no practical solutions of any kind are a tedious distraction. The pretense that if only people protest enough then change can magically happen is a toxic fantasy. Thunberg may have rich friends who can ferry her across the Atlantic in a nice sailing ship, but millions of people need the jobs that must transition, not simply be eliminated overnight because they don't have those convenient rich friends to provide succor. Decarbonization is a complex problem and simply shouting won't make progress happen. It's time Thunberg attempted to deliver some constructive proposals, because soon she'll just be a shouty twenty-something and the media will have moved on to some other sensation du jour that is more reliable for grabbing eyeballs to monetize.